13 June 2018

Journey of the Train of Stanzas

photo by: Goenadi Haryanto

[Introduction:  In Hymnology class last semester, I was taught by  Dr.C.Michael Hawn, a renowned hymnologist.  I learned one metaphor that likened the congregational songs to a hymn that has lots of stanzas in it. Dr.Hawn quoted that every generation should add their own stanza. This short writing is about what that means to me. I hope you all will enjoy  reading it ]

            I believe the that initial stanza (the locomotive) was written by God himself when He created all creation, especially human being (Gen 4:21), with the ability to sing and make music. Since then the Lord’s people song has been sung, adding wagons as generations continue their journey in this world. The next stanza wagon was joined by Moses and the Israelites as they sang about God’s mighty act that delivered them from Egypt, along with all Old Testaments canticles. Then mounted one more to the train was the witnesses of the New Testaments. Canticles in Luke 1-2 all the way to the hymns written by the first church after Pentacost, but had not yet come to the last wagon (John’s Revelation stanza).
            In between the stanzas in the Bible and the final heavenly stanza (like those that Charles Wesley wrote), all wagons from the human history all around the world joined in. From the Gregorian Chants to the 21st century praise band, we keep adding musical testimony that shouts out our unique context. The timeless truth embeded within the sequential songs, the meditative serene words of  cyclical songs build up  the structures of  the wagons. Poetical English lyrics, exotic raga from India, festive folk tune from America, dance-like rhythm from Africa makes the wagon really colorful and reflects the creativity of the LORD himself.
            Alas, along the journey our wagons (stanzas) are not always cheerful, bright and beautiful. There are lots of damages done at some parts caused by the broken reality of human being. So inside a wagon there might be a song of lament and cry of hopelessness, outburst of longing for justice and truth to prevail, also  the groaning of abused creation.  There are times also when our wagons becomes dissonant and switch to “minor” modes that bring tears to the singers. Still these wagons sing aloud making sorrow songs that make the harmony complete. But Christians can rest assured, with Jesus as the engineer up there in the locomotive, certainly they will not fall out of  the rail.
            Comissioned by God and powered by the Holy Spirit, I realize that my generation will also be part of the train. My generation’s wagon would be a little bit more electronify with lots of  “smart” synthesizer sound (as in using technology to make congregational songs and arrangements). But as one of the “wagon commander” I want to make sure by all means that this  wagon does not drift apart from the train, meaning I want my generation to learn about the stanzas in the other wagons also. In this case, I think I need to put on my “dietician” hat and balance out a healthy dosage of  congregational song “meal” for the passanger. Maybe at first they will stick their tounge out when I serve them a “new kind of meal” (songs they’ve never heard before.) But hopefully with lots of love and  education, they will eventually love them, and even benefit (have a growing faith) from them.  
I also want my wagon to have Indonesian tunes sung for the whole train to hear. Maybe I’ll colaborate with the other Indonesian wagon commander  to create an Indonesian hymnal. This could be a legacy to leave for another wagon in the future. 
I have in mind also to cry out in lament over my generation’s issues such as sexual unholiness, consumerism, Christian persecution around the world, and ecological issues. It will be on one hand our prayer and hope to the Lord, but also on the other hand a call to the distressing world about the refuge and grace they can feel in Jesus.
            The train will eventually reach it’s final destination when Jesus comes again. Then the last wagon will be added, the last stanza will be sung!  Although I can’t describe it now, I believe it will be the best song ever sung by Christians from all generations, all over the world. And to add more joy, we’ve got forever to sing all the stanzas to praise our worthy & glorious King! Amen.

Short paper by:
Caroline Sharmiyanti (Oline)

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